Monday, January 12, 2009

Perilous world we live in, strange times; terrorist concerns abroad and at home, economic collapse on a world scale, market fraud and investments in free fall, real estate markets in quick sand (is that enough or do I need to keep going?). And of course, this is just the global disturbance. Our Valley and the lives of people I love are not immune and I am not insensitive to the great struggles going on in homes and hearts.

So, am I naïve to state that in the Kingdom of God we live beyond harm in His hands? Really? Serious? We can live without an anxious moment?

Of course, if you do not live in the realm of His Kingdom you have every right to be anxious. You should be anxious (although it will be really bad for your health), because you have to run all of this on your own steam. You are in charge-the King with the answers. If it falls a part, your desk is where the buck stops.

But, in the Kingdom of the Heavens, the Kingdom not of this World that Jesus came to make available to us, He promises there is not one thing that can happen to us that He will not turn out for good. (Just read Romans 8:28 and try and figure out how much ‘all things’ leaves out!) He has assured us that we will not miss out on anything important or anything good. Psalms 23:1. He told the lady at the well, that those who drink of the water He makes available (speaking of His life, which gives entrance into the Kingdom He preached) will never again be driven, harassed and controlled by unsatisfied desires. John 4:14. He is now the King, not me.

This does not mean we live beyond hurt, pain or loss. It means that none of those can destroy our eternal purpose. Nothing; absolutely nothing can happen to us that He is not responsible to make into something good.

So when these perilous times invade our peaceful existence and we start to worry about what is going to happen to us, we can pause and realize, we know what is going to happen to us; He is going to take care of us.

I can look at worry and say, I recognize you for what you are and you will no longer control me. Anxiousness, I see what you are, I identify you and you will no longer rob me of the peace that passes understanding.

When the feelings and emotions come; stop and put a label on them, give them an identification card and call them out for what they are. They do not control you; they do not have say over what happens to you. Don’t let them.

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