Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Matthew 11:29-30; Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Our new website asks the question; Who are we and where are we going?
As we look at the chaos of the world around us it is fundamentally evident that both the world’s and the individual’s problems cannot be left to the diplomat or the political and business leaders of today. We certainly cannot abandon ‘truth’ to the current lords of knowledge in our academic settings or worse to Hollywood to define the nature of reality, who is well off, who is a really good person and how do you become one.

The Church stands unique as the only avenue by which God has chosen to answer the deep and compelling needs of human beings. The Church as a whole and DBC particularly must be schools of learning and places of genuine worship from which people will go forth who are in the process of being radically changed into Christlikeness and equipped in character to be lights in the midst of a ‘crooked and depraved generation’. It is a time for those who claim the name of Christ as their own to be heroes of the faith in character, having the power to be the demonstration of the reality of God unto complete salvation. Redeemed people who are caught up in the life that Jesus is now living here on earth-the life He is living through His special people who have placed their confidence in Him.

That we are to BE different because we ARE different. When we call men and women into relationship with Christ we are offering to them what we ourselves have been offered and responded to; the greatest opportunity any human being could ever have.

The teachings of Jesus are accessible and nothing is cut off from us. The ones we read about in the book of Acts were real life, flesh and blood people like us. When we step into ‘The Kingdom Not of this World’, the Kingdom of Truth (John 18:36-37) we step into the life of Christ who will actually so radically transform us that we, as ordinary people, become a demonstration of the love characterized by the Trinitarian God we worship.

However-either through indolence or well meaning but misguided teaching we have accepted His life and the grace He makes available as something that should make us different and transform how we live not that does or realistically can make us different in every area of our being.

My central claim is that we indeed can become like Christ in character and power. He intends it to happen. He will teach us. This is actually the easy way to live and it is the way of the transgressor that is hard. Proverbs 13:15.

We become like Him together, as a body drawing on the rich resources of the still living Christ who indwells us. We need each other in this endeavor and the One who said He has been given say over everything will be with us every step of the way, even until the end of this present age. Matthew 28:18-20.

He wishes to be not just our Saviour, not just our Lord, He intends to be our Teacher as well in the serious business of life. As spiritual beings who will never stop existing we will one day realize our full destiny in His created universe-and His redeemed will stand out and be displayed to all of His creation as the greatest testament of His wisdom and power. We will be His greatest treasure. He is right now training us and preparing us for that day.

This is where I stand before my Lord-this is my passion.


  1. I am testing the comment section using the profile "name/url". lets see if it works.
