Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Mark 11:22-26
Jesus is giving instructions on asking in faith. Moving mountains and requests being granted. The disciples have been enamored with the death of a fig tree and are asking about this unique event. In this teaching moment Jesus is encouraging His young followers and telling them of the marvelous strength of prayer. He then adds a seemingly extraneous instruction: And when you stand praying, forgive.

Why? Because forgiveness is the language of the Kingdom. You can’t stand in the powerful resources of the Kingdom without practicing forgiveness.

How do I handle the unfair and spiteful attacks from those I neither know nor have contact with? I am aware there are some unmerited criticisms (both verbal and written) being disseminated in our community about me, even condemning me as a heretic and worse. (The authors may not know this but some of them clearly border on libel.)

I was asked today, why I do not defend myself?
The reason is because I forgive them.

I hold no animosity in my heart toward them and I will not build my life around their offense nor will I make them pay for what they have said and done to me. I don’t need to. As I trust Christ, I know what is going to happen to me, He is going to take care of me.

What makes forgiveness possible is His grace at work in our life to accomplish what we cannot do on our own. That is why grace is not just for guilt, it is for life. The sinner needs grace just to forgive sins, the disciple and follower of Christ depends on grace for every step, every action as they move more clearly into the light of the knowledge of the glory of God.

For those who mistreat you, you can ask, ‘who are you?’ as you hold them up next to the One who says, “There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (See: Romans 8:1) Besides, they try and condemn me but forget, “I am dead and my life is hidden with Christ in God…” (Colossians 3:1-4).

One of the more unpleasant statements of Jesus is found in Luke 10:3 in His great experiment of sending out the 70: Go, behold, I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves.

Just examine the evidence yourself and look at the vituperative, unpleasant and mean-spirited language used in the attacks. The sniping and calling me out. The relentless barbs and references in blogs. The snide letters and language.

Who are the wolves?
By their fruits you shall know them.


  1. Thank you. :) I think forgiveness (practicing and receiving) is a daily reconditioning of my perspective...God's perspective.

  2. I must also express my thanks. Thank you for letting go and letting God do what needs done in your life. I know what people say and do can leave a person with a singed heart. You were talking in this blog about your own situation but it so spoke to me about some of my own hard times with hard people. It really encouraged me to stay the course and that revenge is not ours but God's. Thanks again. M.Rebman
