Saturday, April 9, 2011


As a disciple, learning how to live life is for the benefit of the world.

Each of you as followers of Christ, have a prophetic responsibility in the community in which you live. That is the salt and the light stuff we talk of.

You will only find that as a reality when you learn your place in the heavenlies right now. This is why we want to go to heaven right now.

Heaven is here. God is in action. Now is your time.

Of course this doesn’t preclude the grand future we have in His presence where we will know as we are known. I don’t want to diminish our hope in any way. But heaven will take care of itself and while we look forward to what the ancients called our ‘long-home’ our life is lived here and the life lived here has a meaning and a purpose that stretches far beyond the borders of time.
This invitation God extends is to enter the Trinitarian community and live as a co-conspirator. To become a vital part of what God is about in this very short time of human history (very short from a cosmological standpoint and very, very unlikely). To become a part of a community of loving people who are redeemed and everything He had hoped the created human being to be.

So that the whole universe can become conscious of the presence and goodness of God. We become a lesson to all of the powers in the universe of the goodness and greatness of God. You will be an exhibit. Get a new understanding of who you are; Ask yourself what would it be like to be on eternal exhibit? To be that valuable.

That is what God wants and He makes it available to everyone. It is available because God is right here. And the Kingdom draws nigh unto others in the form of those who have this new life, this new life received from above now immersed in the reality of the Trinitarian presence of God. This is the bottom line of why it is not difficult to make discipleship the most important thing in your life.

1 comment:

  1. I love the statement "Heaven is here. God is in Action. Now is your time." I think should be said more often...louder....I need to be reminded daily.
