Monday, January 4, 2010


Looking out from the birth pangs of a new decade where shall we go? Has Jesus' directive to His people changed? Is the Great Commission relevant? What are we to be about?

How is Jesus to continue His perpetual world revolution-an insurrection from the failed ways of the world-with one such as me? A mere human.

I am human, yes, thank God. There was a time I did not exist-there will, now, never be a time where I do not exist because of the decisive, initiatory action of God who is still about His purpose in this universe and is still interested in the indispensable role I play in His conspiracy, throughout forever.

In His revolution, He intends to overcome the darkness, the evil and the power of this world in the place that I am with the light that I am. The person I am becoming, the light of the world.

This happens by the relentless desire to actually be His disciple, His student in life where He will be my teacher. And I will learn. I will intend to learn and I will consider nothing more important, more necessary in my life than following Him.

Where does it begin? It begins with a clear-eyed vision of the nature of God. Ephesians 5:1. Not just that God loves me but that He Himself is love. The vision that actually permeates the landscape of the scriptures. His basic nature is love. God is love. That is the last word on things.

The vision of God's goodness has to be at the root of our transition to easy obedience. This has to come before our will is transformed. Before our desires change. We must not work at the level of our desires, that is working at the level of flesh.

We begin with a vision-the vision from the scriptures that God Himself is Love. The last word in every one of my circumstances. Which means that if I trust Him, He will not betray me-will stand up for me and loves doing so because that is His nature.

No wonder one cannot please God without confidence in Him.
See: Hebrews 11:6
Let the insurrection begin with me.


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