Sunday, March 29, 2009


Some left-over random thoughts...

The disciple of Jesus is on a journey to experience a radical change at a level the law cannot reach. There is of course nothing wrong with the law, as it is as righteous as God Himself.

But the law cannot change the things inside us, which cause the cauldron of evil simmering in the heart to over-flow into actions. Things like duplicity, malice, guile, manipulation of people, the desire to get even, hostility and cultivated sexual lust. These are the things the law cannot address that are wrong in the heart of man.

The disciple in contrast to trying to keep the law learns of the good heart, the well-kept heart and the well-nourished soul.

The disciple is with Jesus learning how to be renovated at the deepest levels of who they are-the cause of the actions the law can only proscribe but not control. The disciple finds actions being produced they can no more explain than the miraculous catch of fish Peter encountered.

The choice of discipleship is the choice of freedom and fulfillment no law, no rule, no religion can provide. One really needs to decide if they have some better way and something better to do with the rest of their life?

I addressed briefly the issue of Peter’s lack of faith in this endeavor of launching into the deep and putting down the nets. Part of this difficulty of belief is the tension between the visible and the invisible. We belong to an invisible Kingdom not of this world, worshipping a God who is invisible because He is Spirit. One of the ways the enemy defeats us is by instilling guilt in us for not believing. Don’t feel guilty because you have a hard time believing. That doesn’t accomplish anything but to get us into more guilt.

The enemy says, “You worm, you should have believed, what kind of person are you anyway?” And the answer to that is, “I’m not much, just a sinful man, who gets His acceptance from the One who has said, ‘I did not come into the world to condemn the world…’”

May you truthfully address the question;
Have I ever decided to be a disciple of Jesus?

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